September 21, 2024 at 11:44 a.m.
Cass County Board:

County honors Larry and Cheri Westphal as Farm Family of the Year

By By Kyndra Johnson of the Press-Citizen | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

   HIRAM TOWNSHIP—University of Minnesota Extension Service recognized Larry and Cheri Westphal and family as Cass County Farm Family of the Year during the Tuesday, Sept. 17, Cass County Board meeting. Unfortuanatly they were unable to attend in person, but will be attending the Oct. 1 meeting to accept their certificate and be recognized.

   Extension committee member Greg Booth recognized the Westphal family and shared information on why they were chosen.  It was shared, the farm was originally purchased in 1964 by Lloyd and Marlys Westphal. In 1982 Larry and Cheri purchased the 280 acre farm from the family, with adjacent property being purchased in the late 1990’s to grow the farm to just under 400 acres. 

   Currently they operate a 40 cow/calf herd of Red Saler cattle. The cows calf in April and the Westphals sell those calfs in October, keeping and rasing their own replacement heifers. They currently replace the bulls every 2 - 4 years. The family also grows small grains such as oats, rye and triticale. They plant and harvest corn or silage and grow alfalfa and mix it with grass and clover to put up in round bales. Currently their main pasture is approximately 100 acres for grazing, with three separate pastures attached so the cattle can be rotated from pasture to pasture.

   Currently Larry handles the daily cattle chores and building maintenance, with their son Wade doing the planting and upkeep of the barn and fences. Their other son Waylon does a lot of the harvest and is also the farm’s mechanic. Also, both son’s work off the farm since it is a smaller operation. Larry and Cheri’s grandchildren also get involved in chores around the farm,when not in school, by feeding chickens, gathering eggs, repairing fences, ear tagging calfs, giving vaccinations and rock picking.

   Other recognitions of the Westphal family is that both Larry and Cheri were members of the Hackensack Hustlers 4-H club with Cheri being the club leader for five years. Cheri was also in charge of the Share-N-Care thrift shop, while Larry volunteered and currently they are both volunteers at the Hackensack Food Shelf.

   The Farm Family of the Year Program works to recognize families who have demonstrated a commitment to enhancing and supporting agriculture in their communities.

   Tony Hansen, Cass County Extension Northeast Regional Director, requested the board approved the updated memorandum of agreement between Cass County and the University of Minnesota for a full-time Extension Educator - 4-H Youth Development, County 4-H Program Coordinator position (Short Term/Temporary/Intern), a .55 FTE Administrative Support Specialist, and a .5 FTE Master Gardner Volunteer Program Coordinator. It was noted the budget committee was concerned the Master Gardner Volunteer Program Coordinator position may be an overlap of the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) Coordinator position. Hansen stated there may be some overlap, but this position would offer better support for the SHIP Coordinator. 

   County Administrator Josh Stevenson shared the funding for this agreement is currently included in next years budget and with the explanation included with the memorandum of agreement, all of the questions the citizen budget committee had would be answered. The board also discussed all of the good work the Master Gardeners located in Remer have done and contributed to the county and hopefully with the addition of this position to work will continue and be expanded and made available to everyone within the county.

   In other business, the county board:

   • Established a committee of the board, with commissioners Jeff Peterson and Bob Kangas volunteering, to assist and recommend to the full board the appointment of the Facilities Capital Project Manager.

   • Approved increasing the MCIT insurance deductibles on property, inland marine and automobile which would have a projected annual savings of $47,123 to the County, based upon a five year average historical claim.

   • Approved to have an inventory of 120 doses, which is five cases, of nasal naloxone at Public Health at all times. This will be purchased using Opioid Settlement funding with a cost of approximately $280 per case.

   • Approved two Opioid Settlement Grant applications, from the Federal Dam Volunteer Fire Department in the amount of $22,000 and Cass Lake-Bena High School in the amount of $5,000.

   • Approved the Professional Services Agreement with IMEG to provide final construction plans and specifications for the Shingobee Connection Trail underpass of Trunk Highway 371/200.

   • Approved an agreement with Minnesota Department of Transportation to distribute funding for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Technical Assistance Grant to review and develop a grant application for developing roundabouts at County State Aid Highways 77, 18 and 70.

   The next meetings are as follows: Commissioner’s board meeting 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1 at the board room in the courthouse annex in Walker, commissioner’s board meeting 9 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the Land Department meeting room in Backus and AMC District 2 meeting 8 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16 at the Beltrami County board room, 701 Minnesota Ave NW, Ste 102, Bemidji.


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