December 24, 2024 at 9:53 a.m.
Information for 100, 75, 50 and 25 year news briefs was researched and gathered by Renee Geving and Cec McKeig from Cass County newspaper archives at the Cass County Historical Society.
100 Years Ago
Dec. 25, 1924
Irene and Patrick Snell and Helen Cota came home Friday from Remer where they are attending high school.
A millionaire by the name of Brenton is having a lodge built on Wideman’s Point on Woman Lake. P.R. Ethridge of Pine River is doing the work.
The program given at the Blind Lake school by the children Friday was enjoyed by all and Joe Bruckelmeyer won the quilt which the Circle ladies raffled off.
75 Years Ago
Dec. 23, 1949
Dorothy Jordan married Coleman Austin in a quiet wedding on December 17th at Longville.
Mr. and Mrs. John Russell and Danny were guests at the Carl Nicklason home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Croff were dinner guests at the home of their daughter, the Everett Hurds.
75 Years Ago
Dec. 30, 1949
The Boy River Liquor Store was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Iverson from St. Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Dobak left for Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Padgham of Missouri arrived at the family home in Federal Dam.
Jean Forbes, Billie Manders, Frank and Herb Hoffman are all home in Longville from Bemidji Teachers College.
50 Years Ago
Dec. 26, 1974
A group of people gathered at Collins Café in Walker to honor Erwin Sumption, Chairman of the Cass County ASCS Committee, for his 30 years of service.
Harold Engelhart from Babbitt came down Friday to visit his mom, Jessie, and take her back for the holidays.
25 Years Ago
Dec. 28, 1999
Norbert Thill, 85, of Hackensack died December 16th. He was the former owner of Hyde-Away Bay Resort in Hackensack.
Remer American Legionnaires and the Auxiliary celebrated the organization’s birthday and Veteran’s Day with a potluck at the Remer town hall.
Woodland Bank announces its newest branch, Internet Banking, is now online.
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