April 20, 2024 at 12:32 p.m.
BACKUS—2023 saw the second highest timber amount being sold with Aspen still remaining the top seller. Land Commissioner Mark Gossman presented the timber sale information during his annual report Tuesday, April 16, to the Cass County Board of Commissioners.
In 2023, 43,661 cords of aspen were sold at an average of $36.85 per cord, for a total of $1,220,874. The price per cord saw an increase over 2022 prices of approximately $3.29. The second highest timber sold was 11,390 cords of red oak for a total price of $395,723, an average of $34.74 per cord, down about $0.80 per cord. Birch was the third highest timber sold, with 4,435 cords being sold for a total of $81,813 at an average price of $18.45 per cord, up approximately $2.69 per cord. The total of all timber and pulp sales in 2023 was $2,461,391.
Gossman also highlighted one expense that saw a significant difference. That being field supplies which saw an increase of over $8,000. It was stated with the mild winter the department bought more paint supplies than usual. 2023 total expenses saw a $332,790 decrease from the previous year, which is believed to be due to the decrease in land sales. Gossman informed the board land sales saw a $252,432 decrease from the previous year as was down a little over $800,000 from 2021, and will likely be the normal amount of sales moving forward.
For the complete Land Department Annual Report go to www.casscountymn.gov.
Gossman also brought a request before the board to approve a Cass County trail improvement program application from Longville Lakes Snowmobile Club in the amount of $67,179.75. This request will assist in the purchase of a 2023 John Deere 5120 M tractor which will be utilized for backup grooming and general trail maintenance. Bob Yochum, Trail Coordinator and Groomer for Longville Lakes Snowmobile Club, mentioned this new tractor will replace an older tractor that lacks the horsepower for grooming. Currently the club maintains and grooms 81 miles of snowmobile trails and realized with the lack of snow this winter it is better to purchase a tractor that can be used year-round.
Gossman mentioned the board previously approved the allocation of $3,665.53 of the $75,000 available to Eagle County Snowmobile and ATV Club as a match on a Federal recreation trail program grant, and this allocation would also have a local match for the purchase in the amount of $40,393.25. Commissioner Jeff Peterson made the motion to approve the application with Commissioner Rick Haaland seconding and all board members voting aye.
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