July 23, 2023 at 9:11 a.m.
LongBow Women’s Golf League results
Fifteen members of the LongBow Ladies Golf League teed off Wednesday, July 19 in the second round of the league’s tournament qualifier. At the conclusion of the season, the best two of the three qualifying rounds will be used to choose the league champions.
Members played a modified stableford game overlayed on the qualifier play. Scoring the highest number of point was the team of Jeanne Major, Harriet Mouw, Ginny Muller and Laura Verner with 274 points.
The second place team won a tie breaker on the first handicap hole No. 13 with 265 points. Team members were Hope Olson, Lynn Reinertson, Pat Roush and Kathy Severson.
Kathy Newton and Pat Roush both birdied Hole No. 12.
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