April 8, 2023 at 12:05 p.m.
Imagine driving 1 million miles accident-free. It takes care and attention to accomplish such a feat and Jeff Perkins, a Highway Contractor for the Remer Post Office can say he’s achieved it. Jeff comes from a line of Highway Contractors serving the same route south and west of Remer for the last 87 years. His grandfather Lawrence started delivering the mail in 1936, his father took over in 1956, followed by Jeff beginning in 1993.
Last week Remer Postmaster Christopher Wright presented Perkins with a jacket to commemorate the milestone achievement.
The Million Mile Award is presented to carriers and contractors who safely drive 1 million miles or 30 years without a preventable incident. Joining the Million Mile Club is a major honor among drivers of the US Postal Service.
Perkins has served the community since 1986, first substituting on his father’s route, then taking the route over full-time in 1994. When asked what this award means to him... “It’s very cool, a million miles is a lot of miles and I have the worn out cars to show for it!” Perkins laughed.
Over the course of time and miles delivering as a contractor for the Postal Service there have been a few close calls. “I was driving one winter down a back road near Lower Trelipe Lake and met a logging truck on a corner with two large pine trees on each side of the road. There was not room for both of us to pass between, I got stopped about six feet short of the tree on the right!” Perkins explained.
“Another time I had stopped for a delivery on Hwy. 6 and just happened to glance in the rear view mirror to see a logging truck come around a corner that was clearly not going to be able to stop in the distance remaining. Thankfully I had an all wheel drive car that was able to get enough traction on the icy road and get out of the way as the load of logs came off the truck and piled in behind me as the semi passed on the left.”
There are feel-good stories too. “I had a package for an older gentleman that would not fit in his box. I knew he lived alone so I went up to the porch to drop it off and just happened to glance down toward the lake and saw him on the ground next to his lawn mower and trailer. I just thought he was working on it and decided to walk down and check on him. Turns out he was stuck under the trailer and had been there for three days! I called for help and everything turned out fine in the long run.”
As with most careers there have been significant changes over the years. “I think the biggest change has been the automation involved with sorting the mail. Back in the day the Postmaster had to manually sort every piece of mail for each driver, now much of that is done prior to arriving in Remer.” Perkins continued.
When asked about his favorite part of the job - “I get to travel the back roads of this beautiful area, I love the wildlife in the spring - the fawns, the baby grouse, and driving through the woods in the fall with the leaves in full color and all the lakes I drive past...It’s just beautiful.”
The most challenging part of Perkins’ job is dealing with the long winters. “Back in February of 1996 it had been -50 or so degrees for a week or so and on February 2nd it was -60. The springs on my car broke from the cold - sometimes just staying warm with the window down is a major challenge by itself.” Perkins stated.
More recently, Jeff’s wife Shirley has picked up some of the driving allowing the couple to finish their route earlier and enjoy more time away from work.
What’s the secret to a million accident free miles? “You really have to constantly pay attention. I’m constantly checking my mirrors, watching traffic and keeping an eye out for pedestrians.” Concluded Perkins.
With nearly four decades on the job, Perkins still has a contagious, positive attitude about delivering mail to his customers and keeping himself and those around him safe in the process.
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