June 25, 2022 at 7:02 p.m.
Boys State/ Girls State An open letter to the parents
To the Editor:
When I mention Boys State or Girls State, I typically get a deer-in-the-headlights stare. Seriously, at least 9 out of 10 people don’t have a clue. An earnest attempt to explain tends to bare little fruit. And, there is simply no substitute for personal experience to round out someone’s understanding. Consequently, there is an element of faith that comes into play when a parent or student is approached by a representative of Boys/Girls State to discuss the opportunity available for a student: an opportunity that is available only to students going into their senior year; hence, once in a lifetime. This letter is primarily to the parents of the 5 boys and the 5 girls (all from WHA) that attended Boys State and Girls State (June 12-18, 2022).
Thank you for your trust and for having faith in the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary to present a program of incalculable value (many would say: “life changing” value) to your children. Now that you have had a chance to, in essence, debrief your son or daughter, you probably heard that the future of our country is in their hands. You will certainly have heard about duty, honor, integrity, service, respect and confidence. You also will have heard how a couple hundred students from all around the state, formed working city, county, and state governments (including legislative, executive and judicial branches); how they ran campaigns, elected officers, wrote and passed legislation, conducted jury trials and appeals, and competed in a range of sports; all with people they have never met. You will notice that each of your children has grown a couple inches (metaphorically). So, as Chairman of the Walker Legion Boys State Committee, I offer my sincere thank you to the parents of the following students:
Boys State: George Morris; Brady Murdoff; Eli Pfeiffer; Logan Watts; Bennett Wyatt.
Girls State: Katelyn DeLost; Gwendolyn DeVries; Ada Muller; Mackenzie Raddatz; Natalie Resch-Seely.
R. Murray Bright
Walker, MN
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