September 24, 2021 at 5:53 p.m.
Emily Greens Men’s and Women’s Golf League Results
Most leagues have ended, but a few are still playing. Call to see which ones are still playing.
League results for Sept. 14 are:
Tuesday Morning (8:30 am) Men’s League- First place team included: Tom Rollinson, Don Rodi, Ed Sorgatz and John Benson.
The second place team included: Rick Blackmon, Roger Hanson, Kola Slavin and Jim Brown.
Third place team included: Gary Nelson, Al Schewe, Mike Brown and Rick Jacobson.
Tuesday Morning (11:00 a.m.) Back 9 League - The team taking home first place included: Dave Purgett, Jerry Hagel, Craig Larson and Mike Oelrich.
The team coming in second included: Scott Balthazor, Len Deshayes, Don Rodi and tom Rollinson.
Third place team included: Rick Jacobson, Ed Sorgatz, Bill Waddell and Jim Wick.
Tuesday Evening Men’s League / Wednesday Morning Men’s League -
Season ending results are as follows: First place went to Scott Myegeto and Doug Harren. Taylor Cartsens and Jake Appel came in second place. Third place went to Brady Roy and Vic Machen. While Chris Olander and Terry Kinkaid finished in fourth place.
League results for Sept. 21 are:
Tuesday Morning (8:30 am) Men’s League- First place team included: Gary Nelson, Scott Balthazor, Rick Jacobson and Ernie Morreim.
The second place team included: Mike Oelrich, Tim Donnay, Jerry Hagel and Jim Wick.
Third place team included: Jack Anderson, Ed Sorgatz and Keith Walker.
Tuesday Morning (11:00 a.m.) Back 9 League - The team taking home first place included: Roger Hanson, Gary Nelson, Wayne Seiffert and Kola Slavin.
The team coming in second included: Len Deshayes, Don Rodi, Mike Brown and Tim Donnay.
Third place team included: Don Atwater, Mike Oelrich and John Benson.
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