June 10, 2021 at 1:12 p.m.
Caregiver resources available from Faith in Action and LSS
To the Editor,
medical needs, and take a break occasionally. But that can be hard to do in a rural area where they may be far from friends or family and isolated by a health issues, by aging or by lack of transportation. On January 29, 2011, Faith in Action Executive Director Theresa Eclov and LSS (Lutheran Social Services) Respite Program Coordinator Iva Thielges presented "Caregiver Tips and Resources Across Generations" at the Back to Basics Conference in Pine River. The workshop focused on concerns and local resources to turn to when you are a caregiver and how to make plans to help ease the stress of caregiving.[[In-content Ad]]
Faith in Action for Cass County and the LSS Caregiver Support Program both offer many resources, caregiver coaching, and opportunities for caregivers to get a break or respite. Respite Volunteers can provide a friendly visit, keeping a loved one safe and secure while the caregiver gets a break. Respite can help keep people in their homes and communities for as long as
possible. Sometimes respite is requested for a short time, while someone is recuperating from an illness or hospital stay. Other times, respite needs are ongoing and great friendships develop between families and volunteers.
Faith in Action for Cass County and Lutheran Social Services Caregiver Program can provide the support needed so people can stay at home.
Respite Volunteers are able to choose when and how they wish to help. Volunteers are given training, background check, liability insurance coverage and mileage reimbursement. Volunteers do not provide nursing or
hands-on services. For more information on respite services or on
volunteering in your community, please call Faith in Action for Cass County at 866-675-5435 or LSS Respite Program at 218-732-7451, or check out the Faith in Action website at www.faithinactioncass.com.
Theresa Eclov
Executive Director
Faith in Action for
Cass County
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