August 13, 2021 at 8:39 p.m.
Emily Greens Men’s and Women’s Golf League Results
Leagues are coming to an end but continue to accept new members. Each week is it’s own event. Come out and join in the fun!
League results for Aug. 10-12 are:
Tuesday Morning (8:30 am) Men’s League- First place team included: JJim Wick, Charlie Peterson, Ed Sorgatz and Keith Walker.
The second place team included: Bill Gamble,Mike Brown and John Geithman.
Third place team included: Jerry Hagel, Rick Jacobsen, Lenny Deshayes and Gordon Bobbe.
The fourth place team included: Pat O’Connor, Mike Oelrich, Don Rodi and Don Atwater.
Longest putt this week went to Cy Kruse with Gary Bochman being closest to the pin on #1, Ed Sorgatz on #3 and JackSchuller on #9.
Chip-ins this week went to Keith Walker, Tom Walker, John Geithman and Jon Williams.
Keith Walker also walked away with an eagle.
Tuesday Morning (11:00 a.m.) Back 9 League - The team taking home first place included: Scott Balthazor, Bill Gamble, Mike Oelrich and John Benson.
The team coming in second included: Gary Nelson, Gordon Bobbe, Wayne Seiffert and Jack Schuller.
Third place team included: Gary Bochman, Charlie Peterson, Rick Jacobson and Bruce Nelson.
Tuesday Evening Men’s League / Wednesday Morning Men’s League -
Tuesday’s Skins went to Bill Dangers, Jeff Steffans, Jake Appel and Doug Harren.
Skins on Wednesday went to Jimmy Vanderark, Don Rodi and Bill Gamble. Proxy winners were Jimmy Vanderark and Ron Germann.
Thursday Morning Women’s League - The game of the day “Low Putts” was played with the following ladies walking way as winners: Mikie Walker, Lisa Weber, Joanne Walker and Julia Reed.
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