August 7, 2021 at 5:36 p.m.
LongBow Women’s Golf League results
On Wednesday, August 4, the LongBow Ladies Golf League had 18 ladies and one guest join in for a day of golf.
Flighted results are as follows: Flight 1 - Chris Barnes, gross: 87 and Jeanne Major, net 69; flight 2 - Mary Hagelie, gross 101 and Mary Jane Black, net 75; third flight - Kathy Severson, gross 101 and Dianne Larson,net 70 and fourth flight - Louise Hay, gross 108, net 74.
The lone chip-in of the day was by Kathy Severson on Hole 4 for par. There were no Birdies.
Following the round, the members were treated to specially decorated cupcakes and lemonade for their monthly special.
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